Lilymarlene's Patchwork Blog

Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Hello Everyone!

I'm feeling much better today. So much so that I have been to the plot for a harvest and a much needed tidy up, and this afternoon have been weeding the overgrown asparagus bed.
I haven't taken any pictures as yet, but will do so when I walk the dogs later on.

I "turned the corner" when a friend suggested that I should see my osteopath about my vertigo. I wasn't happy with the doctor's diagnosis, and the drugs were getting nowhere, so I had a natter with the osteo who said he was sure he could help. He did some things which if I had got BPPV as the doctor diagnosed would have made me sick all over the place....but it didn't. He did various other tests and decided that it was spondylosis in my neck, along with a reduced blood flow in the main arteries running up the side of the neck (which was causing the dizziness). 3/4 of an hour of cranial manipulation, and some intensive massage in the upper chest and back and neck region and I left the surgery feeling as though a big dark cloud had gone away. I even found myself whistling and singing later that afternoon.

That was on Monday afternoon. I took it fairly easy yesterday, catching up with much needed housework, but nothing could stop me going to my plot today! Got my fix!!!

Saturday, September 01, 2007

Just in case the photo didn't come out on my previous post!
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It is finished at last!

It'll be delivered to her next weekend. She still hasn't a clue about what it is please keep the surprise for me if you know her....! Thanks!